Best deal for NY Cake Easter Egg Hunt Silicone Mold is now alive. This cool Cake Easter Egg is currently available, you might buy it this moment for just $15.99 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Get NY Cake Easter Egg Hunt Silicone Mold best price. Deals is presented for you on Cake Easter Egg at Lowest prices. Find for lowest deals.
Product Information
This collection of silicone molds is ideal for working with chocolate, fondant, gumpaste, sugar and caramel. Perfect for every type of preparation, they're both easy and fun to use. Silicone molds encourage creativity and make work easier at the same time. Extremely resistant to high and low temperatures -76 �F / +446 �F (-60 �C / +230 �C). Simple and easy to use, the moulds are very robust and flexible. Can be easily washed both by hand under running water or in dishwasher.
1 cavity measures approx. 2.4 x 1.9 inches
Strong Feat
- Simple and easy to use, the moulds are very robust and flexible
- Can be easily washed both by hand under running water or in dishwasher
- Perfect for fondant, marzipan, chocolate, gum paste & more!
- Extremely resistant to high and low temperatures -76 �F / +446 �F (-60 �C / +230 �C)
- 1 cavity measures approx.Dimensions: 3/4" X 1 1/4".
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