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Get Wilton Cake Pan: Stand Up 3D Cuddly Bear Mold deal. Best deal available for you on Wilton Cake Stand at Discounted prices. Search for lowest prices.
Product Info
Five innovative decorating ideas on one box! Two piece pan takes 6-1/2 cups of firm, textured batter. Includes 6 clips, heat-conducting core and instructions. Pan is 9-1/2 x 8-5/8 in. deep. Aluminum.
Factor Benefits
- Aluminum
User Opinions
This item got here just in time. I loved it thanks.would definitely do busniess with again. Can't wait till the next party.
Bridget LeMoine
I bought this pan in order to make a panda cake for my daughter. The edges of the pan did not line up evenly, so I didn't even want to risk putting a cake batter into it. I figured it would leak all over my oven. The clips that came with the pan are extremely hard to get on to the edges, since they don't line up well. I will be returning this pan and buying a different one.
Rating: 3.5 2 reviews
Key: Wilton Cake Pan:, Wilton Cake Stand, Cake Pan: Stand, Wilton Pan: Stand
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