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Purchase Alegacy 011 Polished Tin Spring Form Cake Pan, 11-1/4-Inch deal. Best deal is presented for you on Alegacy Polished Tin at Lowest prices. Get for best prices.
Product Info
A consistent recipe of carefully measured ingredients is the key to great tasting delicate confections. Whether it's a flourless chocolate cake, a creamy cheesecake or a baked torte, professional pastry chefs count on Alegacy's line of Spring Form Cake Pans to keep their creations rising perfectly every time. Constructed of high polished tin with removable bottom for easy cake removal. Spring form pan measures 11-1/4" x 2-1/2". Item No.011CPSince 1947, Alegacy has been providing the ultimate in quality professional cookware at extremely competitive pricing. and we've done so while maintaining our core principle, "customer satisfaction is the most important thing we offer." Our extensive array of top-end products is constructed to the Alegacy standard of quality and value. NSF approved.Since 1947, Alegacy has been providing the ultimate in quality professional cookware at extremely competitive pricing. and we've done so while maintaining our core principle, "customer satisfaction is the most important thing we offer." Our extensive array of top-end products is constructed to the Alegacy standard of quality and value. NSF approved.
- 11-1/4-Inch round spring form cake pan
- Great for flourless cakes, cheesecakes and tortes
- High polished tin construction
- Removable dimpled bottom
- Measures 11-1/4 by 2-1/2-Inch
- Measures 11-1/4 by 2-1/2-inches
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Lookup: Alegacy Polished Tin, 011 Polished Tin
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