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Get Wilton Aluminum Little Hero Pan top product. Best deal is presented for you on Wilton Aluminum Little at Lowest prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Info
Capture the imagination of your special little heroes by bringing their favorite figures to life--fireman, policeman, soldier, astronaut...the list goes on! Create a birthday party that will win everyone's heart.
Factor Benefits
- Bakes exciting 3-dimensional cakes
- Quality anodized aluminum construction
- Single mix pan measures 13-1/4 by 6-1/2 by 2 inches
- Handwashing recommended
- One-mix pan
Linda G. Smith
I have been looking for this pan for a long time. I am very excited about purchasing this pan. I can't wait to make this cake for some lucky child. I would definitely purchase from Amazon again and would advise others to do the same.
Cake Maker
I was very pleased with my cake pan. It was shipped in a timely manner and perfect condition. It was very pleasant doing business with your company. Thanks again.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Key: Wilton Aluminum Little, Wilton Little Hero, Aluminum Little Hero
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