Best offer for Wilton POPS Aluminum Star Cookie Pan is now available. This cool Wilton POPS Star is now on sale, you may buy it this moment for only $0.00 and usually delivered in 24 hours.
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Buy Wilton POPS Aluminum Star Cookie Pan best deal. Top deals available for you on Wilton POPS Star at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Product Description
POPS, sweets on a stick. Add color, fun, and sweetness to everyday and every occasion with Wilton's POPS . Specially designed pans provide deep recesses allowing cookie pop sticks to be baked right in. Extra large cookies provide extra jumbo sweet treats. Pan size is 9.4-Inch wide by 11-Inch. Finished cookie size is approximately 4-Inch. Material is Aluminum.
- Makes 4 cookie Pops, each approximately 4-Inch
- Pan size is 9.4-Inch wide by 11-Inch
- Material: Aluminum
- Recipe and instructions included
User Opinions
Teresa M Belsky
Pan it too deep. Cookies to thick. Too heavy they fall off stick.Maybe a recommended dough reckioe and shallower pan
Rating: 4 1 reviews
Key: POPS Aluminum Star, Wilton POPS Star, Wilton POPS Aluminum, Wilton Aluminum Star
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