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Item Info
A lovely addition to a spring holiday table, this egg-shaped cake is fun and easy to make using Wilton's 3-D egg pan set. The four-piece set includes two oval halves that each measure 9 by 6 by 2-3/4 inches and two ring bases to keep the pans level in the oven. Simply fill the halves with any two-layer cake mix and bake, then flip one cake on top of the other and decorate. Another option is to make a hard chocolate egg box that can be filled with hard candies or other small treats. Helpful decorating instructions are included for five different looks, including the box. Crafted from quality aluminum, the pan set heats evenly to cook without hot or cold spots and keep insides moist while surfaces gently brown. The lightweight yet durable material also retains its shape for years of dependable service. It is best washed by hand. --Kara Karll
Strong Feat
- 4-piece pan set includes 2 oval pans and 2 ring bases to create an egg-shaped cake
- Crafted of quality aluminum for even heating and long-lasting durability
- Includes decorating instructions for 5 designs
- Best washed by hand
- Each half measures 9 by 6 by 2-3/4 inches; holds 1 2-layer cake mix
Customer Opinions
D. Smart
I haven't made an egg with this pan yet, but used one half as the top of a Little Einstein's Rocket cake for my daughter. It was the perfect shape! Just make sure to measure how much batter goes into each side, and don't eyeball it. I baked both sides in case I liked one better, but if I had been making an egg, I would have had some carving to do, as one pan baked up much higher. I'd buy it again. :)
Nancy J. Volz
I purchased this so I could make an Easter cake. It works great & I find that you can use it for more than just Easter. How 'bout a football cake?? Love the great!
Essay fan
I never thought I'd ever need one of these, but now that I have it, I need it! It's perfect for making many kinds of cakes, not only egg-shaped cakes for Easter. If you enjoy baking, I highly recommend it.
Rating: 5 5 reviews
Tags: Wilton 3D Pan, Wilton Egg Pan, Wilton 3D Egg, 3D Egg Pan
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