Get the best deal for Wilton Palm Tree Pan is now available. This cool product is currently on sale, you could buy it right now for just $0.00 and often ships in a day.
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Purchase Wilton Palm Tree Pan top product. Deals is presented for you on Wilton Palm Tree at Discounted prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Information
With this easy-to-decorate shape, you'll have your party dessert made in the shade! Whether you're celebrating a summer birthday, a retirement or a bon voyage, the Palm Tree pan is the perfect spot for colorful cakes, molded gelatin, rice cereal treats and more.
Factor Benefits
- Takes one standard mix
- Quality anodized aluminum construction
- Measures 14-1/4 by 12 by 2 inches
- Handwashing recommended
- One-mix pan
User Opinions
L. Sylvester
This was a neat little cake pan for my little girls hula themed birthday party. We ended up adding malted milk balls for coconuts. Don't think you'll ever get is to look like the picture unless you are experienced in cake decorating and take hours out of your day to complete it.
Amanda E. Winger
You could have fooled me that I received a new pan? It was dented! I thought about sending it back but didn't want to pay the shipping. Cute idea though and went over well with guests. Good thing they couldn't see the dents!
Rating: 4 2 reviews
Tags: Wilton Tree Pan, Palm Tree Pan, Wilton Palm Tree, Wilton Palm Pan
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