Best deal for 9 Cup Non-stick Madeleines / Madeleine Mini Cake Mold/ Mould Silicone Bakeware is now alive. This cool Cup Non-stick Madeleines is currently on sale, you could purchase it now for only $0.00 and usually ships within 24 hours.
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Get 9 Cup Non-stick Madeleines / Madeleine Mini Cake Mold/ Mould Silicone Bakeware best deal. lowest price is presented for you on Cup Non-stick Madeleines at Lowest prices. Search for best deals.
Product Description
This better value silicone non-stick 9cup mini madeliene/madeleines mold ,a quite good cake mold/mould,non-stick and quite easy to clean.Made of food-grade silcione material,you will use it to make out madeliene mould /shell mould mini cakes.Available for all kinds of parties and family.
- Make 9 Full Size Madeleines with this madeleines / madeleine Cake mould
- Dishwasher Safe, use in Oven, Microwave and Freezer
- Fully Non Stick for the Easist Release with a Manufacturers Lifetime Guarantee, High Quality Silicone designed to exceed 3000 uses.
- Attractive apperance
- Colors maybe varied:yellow;red;blue,we will pick it for you in random.
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