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Product Description
Everyone's face lights up when cupcakes are served. Now, with Wilton Cupcakes., you can make the most smile-worthy treats around. This exciting publication will show you how to make cupcakes that are colorful and fun inside and out with 320 amazing designs that are easy to create. Here are some of the sensational features inside Wilton Cupcakes. that will help you thrill your family and friends: Cupcake Collections, Party Pleasers, Cupcake of the Month, Inside Surprises, Must-Try Recipes, Cupcake Basics, Cupcake Techniques, Exciting Products. Soft cover, 168 pages.
Factor Benefits
- 168-page soft-cover guide explores the wonderful world of cupcakes
- Kitchen-tested steps to help your cupcakes look and taste fantastic each and every time
- Six themed galleries of exciting decorating ideas
- Must-Try Recipes
- Exciting new baking cup shapes, dazzling designs, tasty toppers
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