Best deal for Nordic Ware - 9 Car Railroad Mini Cake Pan is trending. This awesome item is currently available, you can purchase it right now for only $0.00 and usually ships within a single day.
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Buy Nordic Ware - 9 Car Railroad Mini Cake Pan deal. lowest price available for you on Nordic Ware 9 at Best prices. Search for lowest prices.
Item Description
Nordic Ware - 9 Car Railroad Mini Cake Pan. Create a choo choo train made of individual "muffin" cars. From engine to caboose, there's no limit to the colors and decorative details bakers can add to each train car! A fun cake for a birthday...or anytime! Made of durable cast aluminum, the pan bakes each little cake to perfection every time. Turns out cakes with beautiful details. Easy to clean.
Factor Benefits
- Nordic Ware - 9 Car Railroad Mini Cake Pan
- Create a choo choo train made of individual "muffin" cars
- From engine to caboose, there's no limit to the colors and decorative details bakers can add to each train car!
- A fun cake for a birthday...or anytime!
- Made of durable cast aluminum, the pan bakes each little cake to perfection every time
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