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Purchase Camp Chef True Seasoned Cast Iron Corn Pan top item. Deals available for you on Camp True Seasoned at Lowest prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Description
Camp Chef Cast iron is designed for a lifetime of use. We use a process called True Seasoned which makes the cast iron dark black and is ready for cooking.
Factor Benefits
- Sante, Cookware For Life.
- True Seasoned Interior Cast Iron Cookware is ready to use out of the box
- Non Seasoned
- Cabin Kitchen
Customer Reviews
Ken P. Centofante
i had been looking for a product like this for some time. in theory its supposed to make these little corn shaped and textured corn bread sticks (basically mini corns of cob) but the reality is that the pattern on the pan is so intricate that the batter "sticks" after baking and is near impossible to remove in the intended form of the design. maybe someone with more baking experience can make this thing work properly but i have had no such luck.
S. Hanvey
This is a fabulous pan! I used it last night for cornbread and the sticks turned out great and no sticking! Remember to preheat your pan before adding the mix! It is better than my grandmother's pan!
I ordered 2 cast iron baking pans. They were delivered on time and just perfect. I wanted them for our Family Thanksgiving in VA. Each individual corn bread came out looking just like little corns with great roasted coloring. They were moist and all disappeared. I recommend these pans to all the cooks that love to make a difference on their table for their family or friends.
Rating: 4.5 4 reviews
Key: Camp Chef Seasoned, Chef True Seasoned, Camp True Seasoned, Camp Chef True
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