Get the best deal for Cakewich Cake Mold Sliced Bread Shape SIlicone Baking Pan is trending. This best Cake Mold Sliced is currently on sale, you can purchase it this moment for just $29.95 and usually delivered within a day.
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Purchase Cakewich Cake Mold Sliced Bread Shape SIlicone Baking Pan lowest price. Deals is presented for you on Cake Mold Sliced at Best prices. Get for best deals.
Product Information
Fred and Friends Cakewich is a sandwich shaped cake mold. We include instructions on how to bake a cake and then create a peanut butter an jelly cakewich. The possibilities for variations are endless
Factor Benefits
- Giant sandwich cake pan
- Made of easy-release silicone
- 8 x 6-1/2 x 3-1/2 deep
- Recipe included
- Creates lots of fun
I actually expected it a lot bigger but it's nice though, i haven't used it yet but i look forward to. The payment and shipping things were perfect!
Rating: 4 1 reviews
Tags: Cake Mold Sliced, Cakewich Cake Mold
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