On sale now for SCI Scandicrafts Cake Mold 6.5-inch 6.5-Cup is now alive. This cool item is currently on sale, you may buy it this moment for only $0.00 and often delivered in 24 hours.
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Buy SCI Scandicrafts Cake Mold 6.5-inch 6.5-Cup best price. Deals available for you on SCI Scandicrafts Cake at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Information
Octagonal Cake Mold for baking or gelatin. The tinplate construction encourages uniform baking or chilling. 6.5-cup capacity
Strong Feat
- Constructed of Tinplate
- Hand wash recommended
Over It
It will be interesting to make a cake with this. I like the shape. Right now in my refrigerator the Sandicrafts holds a 10 layer jello mold. It is very sturdy.
I asked for two day shipping and it arrived in two days. However, this cake mold (which I'm using for a jello mold) looks used and beat up! Some of the metallic coating is worn off in areas and scratched up. I'm keeping it because I really wanted to make this Rainbow Ribbon Jello Salad this weekend but I probably won't buy from this brand again. While the cake mold seems very solid, it certainly doesn't look new.
Rating: 3 2 reviews
Tags: SCI Scandicrafts Cake, SCI Scandicrafts Mold, SCI Cake Mold, Scandicrafts Cake Mold
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