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Product Description
59548 Features: -Star shaped design.-Non-stick surface.-Heavy cast aluminum.-Recycling even the tiniest bits of scrap, right down to the aluminum shavings produced by smoothing out the rough edges on castings.-Melting down damaged castings to reduce waste and selling aluminum scrap directly back to the mill from which they purchase their materials.
- Nordic Ware Platinum Series
User Reviews
R. Stern
The thing what's best is that even though it has lots of grooves, I use Bakers Joy and spray it before I pour in the batter.My cakes turn out clean and perfect every time. I have been using it for over a year now and it is a superior quality pan. TheCakes turn out super tall and very professional looking.''
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Platinum Star David, Platinum Star Bundt, Star David Bundt
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