Best deal for Flexible Bakeware: Savarin Cake 42 Oz, 9.45" Dia x 2.36" High is now hitting the market. This cool item is currently available, you may purchase it this moment for only $0.00 and often delivered within a single day.
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Purchase Flexible Bakeware: Savarin Cake 42 Oz, 9.45" Dia x 2.36" High best deal. Deals available for you on Bakeware: Savarin Cake at Discounted prices. Get for lowest deals.
Item Information
Food-grade silicone bakeware Can be used in temps from -58°F (for freezing) to 482°F (for baking) Includes a ring to keep the pan in perfect shape Needs no grease, even for products thought impossible Easy to clean & maintain dishwasher safe
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Tags: Flexible Bakeware: Cake, Bakeware: Savarin Cake, Flexible Bakeware: Savarin, Flexible Savarin Cake
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