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Get Wilton Strawberry Shortcake Cake Pan best price. Top deals is presented for you on Wilton Strawberry Cake at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.
Product Description
strawberry Shortcake strikes a fun-loving pose that's perfect for birthday cakes, ice cream molds and more. Strawberry Shortcake Cake Pan
- It's a whole new "berry" exciting shape for this kids' favorite
- Strawberry Shortcake strikes a fun-loving pose that's perfect for birthday cakes, ice cream molds and more
- One-mix pan is 11.25 x 11.5 x 2 in.
- Aluminum
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Key: Strawberry Shortcake Cake, Wilton Strawberry Cake, Wilton Shortcake Cake, Wilton Strawberry Shortcake
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