On sale now for Chicago Metallic Non-Stick Gingerbread Man Pan is now hitting the market. This best item is currently on sale, you can purchase it right now for just $19.99 and often delivered in 24 hours.
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Order Chicago Metallic Non-Stick Gingerbread Man Pan lowest price. Top deals is presented for you on Chicago Metallic Non-Stick at Best prices. Find for best deals.
Item Info
The Chicago Metallic Gingerbread Man Pan makes 6 3/4-inch thick Men. Use your favorite cookie, brownie or muffin recipe or use the one included with the pan. Nonstick, dishwasher safe.
- Carbon steel for durability, strength and superior heat conduction
- Non-stick coating for easy release
- Dishwasher safe
I saw this pan at a Williams-Sonoma store demo. Take boxed gingerbread cake mix, bake in this pan, easy release from non-stick pan and cellophane wrap with a bow for school and office. People will love these individual sized treats and it'll bring back memories of your childhood. Highly recommend 2 pans minimum.
G. Devine
I love this pan; ordered two so I could make gingerbread kids faster! They are so cute and easy to handle and children love the finished product. The cakes release easily from the pan.
Cordelia Brown
We like the larger size of this pan's cutouts; most molds are for mini gingerbread boys. Though it's recommended for cookies in addition to "cakelets"--small, individual-sized cakes almost as shallow as cookies--we feel it's best reserved for the latter. We tried making gingerbread men using store-bought, ready-made cookie dough. To insure the cookies would release from the pan easily without flouring it, we also coated each cavity with a nonstick cooking spray formulated for grilling. It's composed of a thicker vegetable oil, which is not as absorbant and is less apt to leave a sticky, hard-to-clean film (should you neglect to wash the pan a while due to holiday fatigue). The first batch, after filling the pan half-full, was rather thick, up to the rim, which we suppose is fine if you don't mind eating three cookies in one. Succeeding batches were better, yet still somewhat thick, lop-sided, and full of fingerprints. Pan should probably be filled only 1/4th full but, short of measuring the dough with a cookie scoop, it's hard to see the level in the deep wells. The tiny arms on each boy need a little extra dough, too. The thinner cookies were also hard to get out without hitting the bottom of the pan with our hand. But the raised buttons came out well in each batch; no use buying an embossed pan if the design disappears during baking, a problem with airy cakes.
Rating: 4.4 5 reviews
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