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Purchase Wilton Romantic Castle Cake Set best price. Deals is presented for you on Wilton Castle Cake at Best prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Info
Romantic Castle Cake Set: 32pc. A set which includes everything you need to easily create a dream castle cake! Bake any single or double layer cake and turn it into a Princess's Castle; a Mid-Evil Fort; or even a Haunted Castle! Set includes four each of three sizes of detailed turret towers with removable peak pieces; six lattice windows; a paneled door and roof pieces (all are white plastic: cover with icing to color).
Strong Feat
- Turn a single or double layer cake into a Castle, a Mid-Evil Fort, or Haunted Castle
- Easily create a dream castle cake with this kit
- Includes detailed turret towers, lattice windows, a paneled door and roof pieces
Customer Opinions
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Tags: Wilton Romantic Cake, Wilton Castle Cake, Romantic Castle Cake
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