Best offer for Elmo Cake Pan By Wilton is now available. This awesome item is currently on sale, you could buy it now for just $0.00 and usually ships within 24 hours.
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Purchase Elmo Cake Pan By Wilton lowest price. Top deals is presented for you on Elmo Cake Pan By Wilton at Lowest prices. Search for best deals.
Item Info
This Elmo cake pan makes a detailed cake in the shape of the celebrated character of Sesame Street-Elmo. The Elmo cake pan will mold the cake in the shape of Elmos full face. Perfect for baking Sesame street themed cakes for birthday parties and other celebrations. Pan measures approximately 13-1/2 inches x 10-1/2 inches x 2 inches (Length X Width X Depth). Completed and detailed decorating instructions included. By Wilton.
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