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Purchase Wilton Rocking Horse Cake Pan best deal. Top deals available for you on Wilton Horse Cake at Discounted prices. Find for lowest deals.
Item Description
Wilton Rocking Horse Cake Pan
- This happy hobby horse sets the pace for a birthday that rocks!
- It?s a favorite kids shape that?s also ideal for showers and playgroup parties.
- One-mix pan is 11 x 1275 x 2 inch deep
- Aluminum
Customer Opinions
I mean it's a cake pan. How could it not work? It was a little smaller than what i needed so I just baked two cakes, cut one in half and made a double layer cake. And if I do say so myself the cake ame out fabulous !!!
Jeanette Sexton
I received and used the Wilton Rocking Horse Cake Pan. The cake turned out so cute and I cannot wait to do other cakes with it as the decorating on this is endless. The cake comes out easily and is good strong quality but not too heavy. I recommend this pan to anyone who loves to bake. Enjoy!
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Key: Rocking Horse Cake, Wilton Horse Cake, Wilton Rocking Horse, Wilton Rocking Cake
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