Best offer for Wilton Abby Cadabby Cake Pan is now available. This best Abby Cadabby Cake is now on sale, you may purchase it now for just $0.00 and usually delivered within a day.
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Purchase Wilton Abby Cadabby Cake Pan top product. Top deals available for you on Abby Cadabby Cake at Lowest prices. Find for best prices.
Product Description
Abby Cadabby Cake Pan is a fun way to celebrate your little fairy's birthday! Cake pan is made of aluminum and measures approximately 10.5" wide x 12" high x 2" deep. Pan takes any 2-layer cake mix. Complete instructions are included. Abby Cadabby(tm) Sesame Workshop(r), Sesame Street(r) and associated characters, trademarks and design elements are owned and licensed by Sesame Street Workshop. (c)2008 Sesame Workshop. All Rights
- Before and after each use, hand washing pan in hot soapy water is recommended.
- dimensions 9.5 x 11.75 x 2 inch
- aluminum
Customer Opinions
Pan was as describe, instructions are photo copies of the original. To do the icing it will be hard as instructions are in black and white.
I purchased this cake pan for my daughter's 2nd birthday and it turned out great!
Ann M. Rondon
I love Abby cake pan, but i guess i may have used too dark of cake and it was hard to decorate and color!
Rating: 4.7 3 reviews
Key: Abby Cadabby Cake, Wilton Abby Cadabby
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