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Purchase Fat Daddio's 6.25 Inch x 3.125 Inch Deep Stainless Steel Hemisphere Pan lowest price. Deals available for you on Fat Daddio's Inch at Discounted prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Description
Built from heavy duty stainless steel, Fat Daddio's hemisphere molds are perfect for ice cream molds, elegant shaped cakes, mousse, or even use as a double boiler. Bake 2 layers and create unique cakes like snowballs, baseballs, basketballs, soccer and golf balls and so much more. The 18 gauge anodized stainless steel is extremely durable and essential for professional results.
- Built from heavy duty stainless steel
- Hemisphere molds are perfect for ice cream molds, elegant shaped cakes, mousse, or even use as a double boiler
- Rolled rim for durability
- Made of 18 gauge anodized stainless steel that is extremely durable and dishwasher safe
- Measures 6.25 inch x 3.125 inch Deep
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Tags: Fat Daddio's Inch, Fat 6.25 Inch, Fat Daddio's 6.25, Daddio's 6.25 Inch
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