On sale now for NORDIC WARE Spring Bunny 3D CAKE MOLD & FROSTING PRESS SET is now alive. This best product is currently available, you could buy it now for just $0.00 and usually delivered within a day.
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Item Description
Nordic Ware Spring Bunny 3-D Baking Pan and Frosting Press Make a beautifully detailed 3-dimensional cake in a vintage bunny design. This pan's aluminum construction bakes evenly for a golden brown dessert. Use the included frosting press to decorate it with whirls, swirls and fur. It couldn't be easier to add some fun to your springtime table. What You Get Bunny 2-piece cake pan Frosting decorating press 4 decorating tips. Nordic Ware Spring Bunny 3-D Baking Pan and Frosting Press Features Perfect centerpiece for your Easter or spring table Frosting press with hand depressor is easy to use and won't tire out your fingers Decorating tips let you decorate a cake, cupcakes or cookies with your own unique style Specs Measurements: Cake pan approx. 10-1/4"L x 3-1/2"W x 8-1/2"H Frosting press approx. 11-1/2"L x 5"W x 2-1/8"H Material Composition: Pan made of aluminum Country of Origin: Pan made in USA; decorating press made in China Use & Care Oven Safe Temperature: 450 degrees
- Nordic Ware Spring Bunny 3-D Cake Baking Pans and 5pc Frosting Press Set
- 2 piece bunny cake pan- aluminum construction bakes evenly for a golden brown dessert
- Frosting decorating cupcake, cookie, cake press to decorate it with whirls, swirls and fur + 4 tips
- Cake pan approx. 10-1/4"L x 3-1/2"W x 8-1/2"H
- frosting tips included: star, round, leaf, filling
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Key: NORDIC WARE Spring, NORDIC WARE Bunny, WARE Spring Bunny
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