On sale now for Alabama Silicone Cake Pan & Stand is now available. This cool item is now available, you might buy it this moment for just $34.25 and usually ships within a day.
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Order Alabama Silicone Cake Pan & Stand deal. Deals available for you on Alabama Cake Pan at Best prices. Get for best prices.
Product Information
Fan Pans are manufactured out of 100% FDA approved silicone and comes in different shapes (logos) and colors
- Yes
- Fan Pans come in 3 sizes : Cake Pans, Muffin Pans & Ice Cube Trays
- Perfect for all of your baking needs : Cake, Muffins, Cupcakes, Cookies, Gelatin and Salad Mold
- Ice Cream Molds, Ice Cubes, Chocolates, Candy Mold, Serving Dish
- Find other pans with the keyword "seaboardbakins"
User Reviews
Michael Kiernan
I ordered this item after my wife recieved another from the same company in a Fleu-de-Lis pattern as a gift. Both pans work great and are well-made. She uses them mainly for making fudge. The fudge slips out effortlessly and looks great. The pan is made from some sort of plastic or silicone based material and comes with a stand that holds it off the counter which speeds cooling. The pan cleans easily.Great product!
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Silicone Cake Pan, Alabama Silicone Pan, Alabama Cake Pan, Alabama Silicone Cake
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