Best offer for Pig Cake Pan - 12" Long By 8" Wide is now available. This awesome Cake Pan 12" is currently available, you can purchase it now for only $0.00 and often delivered within a day.
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Get Pig Cake Pan - 12" Long By 8" Wide best deal. Best deal available for you on Cake Pan 12" at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Info
Bake your favorite cakes in this pig shaped cake mold. 12 inches long by 8 inches wide and 2.5 inches deep. Made of heavy gauge tinplate steel. Made in Portugal.
- 12" Long by 8" Wide
- Tinplate Steel
- Hand Wash
Customer Reviews
D. Helms
I really like the Pig Cake Pan. I didn't use this pan to make a pig, but instead I created an opossum cake for a friends birthday and the Pig Cake Pan worked wonderful for creating the cake I made. I'm sure I can use this pan to create other animal cakes as well if I put enough thought and creativity into it. For anyone interested in seeing how I used this cake to make an opossum cake, you can go to and type in "bleeding opossum roadkill cake" in the search bar.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Cake Pan 12", Pig Cake Pan, Pig Cake 12", Pig Pan 12"
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