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Order Wilton Bite Size Gingerbread 9 Cavity top item. Top deals is presented for you on Wilton Bite Size at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Info
Bake plenty of fun little guys for everyone. One mix makes 24-36 boys.
Strong Feat
- 9 cavities each 2 3/4 x 3 3/8 x 3/4 in deep
- Aluminum
Customer Opinions
Gina Miller
This low cost gingerbread man tray is very light and impresses the images evenly. I used original flavor non stick spray before I put the mix in and was able to pull the baked results out easily with a mere knife nudge. I made gingerbread cookie/cakes and chocolate chip cookies as well. The results were just as good with both, so it holds up well with multiple mixes. I let my items cool before applying the frosted faces and buttons, which set very nicely for a safe and tasty Christmas travel! I was very pleased, and so was everyone else!
I make Gingerbread cookies every Christmas holiday using the Wilton molds and they always come out perfect. I always get so many compliments on the cookies because they are so darn cute. No one can resist them. They are fun to decorate too!I've even have given these cookie sheets as gifts to nieces who have young children. Along with it, I packed a gift box with all the ingredients to make and decorate the cookies, so that the busy moms would not have to run to the store. It made a much-loved gift!
Shirley Jean Schrock
Great cookie sheet, we always make them for Christmas & this saves all the cutting out with cookie cutters !
Rating: 5 5 reviews
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