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Order Fat Daddio's Anodized Aluminum Half Round Cake Pan, 16 Inch x 3 Inch best deal. lowest price available for you on Fat Daddio's Aluminum at Discounted prices. Get for best deals.
Product Info
This versatile deep professional cake pan is designed for baking a variety of layer cakes and wedding cakes. The half-round shape will fit in many ovens which may not accommodate a similar-sized round cake pan; bake two half-round cakes and place them side-by-side to create a round layer. Straight sides produce professional-looking cakes with straight edges, essential for layering and decorating ease. The pan's uniform wall thickness results in an even rise and the elimination of hot or cold spots in cakes. The anodized aluminum pan won't discolour and provides excellent cake release and clean up. A ¼" rim around the entire pan makes it easy to lift and move the pan without disturbing the contents.
Strong Feat
- 16 gauge non-reactive anodized aluminum
- Completely seamless "easy-clean" design
- Even wall thickness and seamless construction
- Dishwasher safe
- Lifetime warranty
User Reviews
Great way to make a large round cake that normally would not fit in the standard home kitchen oven. I suggest buying 2 pans and weighing them after you add your batter to make sure your your 1/2s bake even heights (keep the 2nd in the fridge while the 1st cooks to not loose baking power strength. I've also used just a single layer and split it to make one large and thin base for a cake. I just wish Fat Daddio's pans had straight seams, not rounded.
This works great in my oven & makes for much easier assembly. Be warned though, as a non-professional, I didn't think about the axis of movement during transport. Luckily not too much movement occurred in the vehicle, but I would advise not assembling the stack prior to transport.
Rating: 4.5 2 reviews
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