Best deal for Lekue Silicone Flexible Mini Cake Pan is now available. This best item is now available, you can purchase it now for just $0.00 and often delivered in a single day.
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Order Lekue Silicone Flexible Mini Cake Pan best price. lowest price available for you on Silicone Flexible Mini at Best prices. Get for best prices.
Item Information
Looking nothing like traditional bakeware but borrowing many of its best characteristics, Lekue's mini cake pan cooks evenly, releases food easily, and is made of FDA-approved, food grade silicone. The pliable silicone construction carries many advantages such as immediate cool-down, the prevention of burnt edges and crusts, and a foldability that extends storage options. With a slightly shorter cooking time, the pan bakes nine rectangular mini cakes or loafs each measuring 1-1/8 by 3-1/3 by 1-1/4 inches. Nonstick surfaces help food to release easily but greasing is still a good idea--especially if regularly being washed in the dishwasher. Freezer-, microwave-, and oven-safe up to 500 degrees F, the pan seamlessly transitions from cold to hot. Contact with direct heat sources such as burners or hotplates should be avoided and sharp metal tools can damage or cut the material. The pan measures 7 by 1-1/4 by 12 inches overall and benefits from a quick rinse before use as small crumbs and particles easily adhere to its rubbery surface. -- Amy Arnold
- Flexible, baking mold; made of FDA approved food grade silicone
- Cooks thoroughly and evenly; nonstick material provides easy food release
- Prevents burnt edges and crusts; stops cooking when removed from oven
- Oven-safe up to 500 degrees F; microwave-, freezer-, and dishwasher-safe
- Pan measures 7 by 1-1/4 by 12 inches overall; makes 9 finger cakes
Stephen Kinder
This product works better than advertised. Anything you bake in this will literally fall out with no sticking. The dimensions are about 3 inches by 1 inch and 1 1/4 inches deep, and it makes smart looking little cakes that everyone loves to pick up for a few bites. I set two of these molds on an insulated cookie sheet and put them in the oven because three at a time causes the rows near the oven wall to get too hot and done too quickly.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Silicone Flexible Mini, Lekue Silicone Flexible, Lekue Silicone Mini
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