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Order Wilton Strawberry Shortcake Cake Pan deal. Deals available for you on Wilton Strawberry Cake at Discounted prices. Find for best prices.
Item Info
Give your party personality! Wilton helps you make kids feel like stars with your favorites faces and themes. Everyone loves her fun and colorful look! From her bouncy hat to her sweet smile, she adds a "berry" happy touch to the party. One mix pan is 11x10 x2 deep. Aluminum
- Takes one standard mix
- Quality anodized aluminum construction
- Measures 11-1/4 by 10-1/2 by 2 inches
- Includes decorating suggestions
- Hand washing recommended
Customer Opinions
my kid love it. it was for her birthday party. i think only thing i didn't like about the pan that it was small. but it was great came on time. my kid just love it when it was all make. so yes i would say yes great pan to pick up kid love strawberry shortcake pan
A. L. Mccullough
Every year i do a theme for my kids birthday parties.My kids got tired of the bakery not making their cakes the flavors they wanted so i was asked to bake them.Cake pan came with icing recipe and decorating instructions on the back of the picture.The pan was easy to clean and my kids just love the cakes.
Rating: 5 2 reviews
Tags: Strawberry Shortcake Cake, Wilton Strawberry Cake, Wilton Shortcake Cake, Wilton Strawberry Shortcake
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