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Buy USA Pans 6-Well Swirl Cupcake Pan deal. Best deal is presented for you on USA Pans 6-Well at Best prices. Search for best prices.
Item Information
The USA Pans Swirl Cupcake Pan is constructed of aluminized steel, the material of choice for commercial bakeries and has capacity to bake 6 party ready swirl cupcakes. The metal thickness of this pan has been selected to allow for even heat distribution and maximum service life. An important and unique feature of this pan is its corrugated design. Corrugation maximizes the pans strength and prevents warping, denting and other effects of everyday use. No need for messy and unhealthy oil and grease. This pan is coated with Americoat. Americoat is a proprietary silicone coating. It provides a clear, non-stick, non-toxic baking surface, specially formulated for superior baking. It's FDA approved; it does not contain PTFE's or PFOA's. It is not recommended to exceed baking temperature of 400 degrees F. Easy care. To clean, simply wipe clean after use; soap and water are okay to use. It is not recommended that pan be washed in dishwasher because harsh chemicals can cause the non-stick material to breakdown in time. Dry pan completely, after cleaning. Pan measures 15.75 by 11.25-inch and has 6 cavities for baking cupcakes. USA Pans is the newest line of bakeware developed by American Pan, the world's largest manufacturer of commercial bakeware. Pans are made of 65% recycled steel. Made in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Lifetime warranty.
Strong Feat
- Made in USA by American Pan in Pittsburg, PA; largest worldwide manufacturer of commercial bakeware
- Commerical grade, heavy guage swirl cupcake pan; makes 6 cupcakes
- Constructed of aluminized steel; usa pans uses 65 percent recycled steel to manufacture their products
- Coated with americoat; silicone coating on top and bottom; non-stick surface
- Americoat does not contain PTFE's or PFOA's; silicone is a natural substance
Customer Opinions
Super fun large muffins. Totally non stick.. This pan is crazy good. I cant say enough about this bakeware, it will last a lifetime. Just get one and enjoy it.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: USA Pans 6-Well, USA Pans Swirl, USA 6-Well Swirl
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