Best offer for Wilton 2105-0661 Halloween 6-Cavity Candy Corn Mini Cake Pan is now alive. This cool product is now on sale, you might purchase it now for just $0.00 and often ships in 24 hours.
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Get Wilton 2105-0661 Halloween 6-Cavity Candy Corn Mini Cake Pan lowest price. Deals is presented for you on Wilton Halloween 6-Cavity at Lowest prices. Get for lowest prices.
Item Description
Bake fun single-sized cakes, brownies and more with our 6 cavity candy corn cake pan. Non-stick steel releases treats easily. Limited 10 year warranty.
- 6 cavity non-stick mini cake pan in a candy corn shape
- Quality steel construction
- Set the tone for your celebration
- Premium non-stick surface for easy release and clean up
- Limited 10 year warranty
Customer Reviews
M. Stratton
Now I love this pan, don't get me wrong. The Wilton name has a great reputation in the pastry/baking world. But it behooves me as to why the darn thing isn't as non stick as you would think. I had to make about 75 candy corn shapes little cakes for an entire class of 5th graders and I ran into a problem...the cakes were sticking and falling apart. I finally had to use so much non stick spray in the molds that it literally had a puddle of it inside each mold. It worked great if I did that for each batch I baked. That's the only reason I couldn't give it a 5. Would have loved to but it's just not as user friendly as I thought. Would still recommend it though,...just for the cute factor.
Rating: 4 1 reviews
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