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Order Airplane Small Cake Pan Set of 6 lowest price. Deals is presented for you on Airplane Small Pan at Best prices. Search for best prices.
Item Information
Use this set of 6 pans to make airplane shaped small cakes and muffins, or small airplane shaped gelatin salads. Made of sturdy tinplate steel. 4.25 inches long by 4.25 inches at the wings. Made in Portugal.
Strong Feat
- 6 small airplane baking molds
- Each pan is 4.25" long by 4.25" wide at the wings
- Tinplate steel
- Hand Wash and Hand Dry
Customer Opinions
I bought these for my son's first birthday smash cake. I had to put them on top of another cake because they were smaller than expected. Make sure to grease pans so the cake doesn't stick. These are so cute and I'm probably going to use these again for muffins or cornbread. Perfect for the aviation nut in your household.
Adrienne Nicole Conant
I used these as toppers for a cake, make sure you liberally spray them with PAM/or grease really well or the batter will get stuck. I'm thinking of using these cake pans for other things such as corn bread, or any other bread. We'll see!
V. Hilmarsson
Though the pans definitely make a airplane shaped mini-cake, the pans are thin and require heavy greasing. They also rust easily if you are not careful to dry them fully. Very cute, but a little high maintenance.
Rating: 4.3 3 reviews
Lookup: Small Cake Pan, Airplane Cake Pan, Airplane Small Pan, Airplane Small Cake
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