Best offer for Wilton Bite-size Petite Bunnies Cake Pan Cookie Brownie Treat Mold ~ 9 Cavity is now alive. This best item is currently on sale, you may buy it this moment for only $0.00 and usually ships within a day.
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Get Wilton Bite-size Petite Bunnies Cake Pan Cookie Brownie Treat Mold ~ 9 Cavity deal. Top deals is presented for you on Wilton Bite-size Bunnies at Lowest prices. Find for best deals.
Item Information
Bake plenty of fun little bunnies for everyone. One standard cake mix makes 24-36 bite size treats. Aluminum pan with 9 cavities.
Factor Benefits
- Contoured cake pan featuring Bite-Size Bunnies - 9 cavities
- Crafted of quality aluminum for even heat distribution and long lasting durability
- Realistic detailing is instantly recognizable; perfect for any party
- Baking and decorating instructions included
- Also use for brownies, cookies, shortbread, crisp rice treats, and more!
Customer Opinions
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Key: Wilton Bite-size Petite, Wilton Bite-size Bunnies, Wilton Petite Bunnies
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