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Get Wilton Transformers Cake Pan lowest price. Best deal is presented for you on Wilton Cake Pan at Best prices. Find for best prices.
Product Description
These robots can transform your party into thrilling treats. Give your party personality! Wilton helps you make kids feel like stars with your favorites faces and themes. New Transformers cake pan. One-mix pan, aluminum.
Strong Feat
- One Mix pan is 9 by 12 by 2 inch deep
- Material: aluminum
- Hand wash recommended
Customer Opinions
Amanda Springer
This cake was more challenging than I expected it to be, and it took several hours to frost but it turned out wonderful in the end.
Vincent Britton
This did not turn out as good as my other Wilton Cakes.The detail is hard to transfer therefor hard to fill in!I would not buy this again.
Rating: 4 2 reviews
Key: Wilton Cake Pan, Transformers Cake Pan, Wilton Transformers Cake
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