Best deal for Round Topsy Turvy Mad Dadder 2 Piece Cake Pan Set by Fat Daddios is now available. This best Round Topsy Mad is currently available, you could buy it right now for just $0.00 and usually ships in a single day.
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Get Round Topsy Turvy Mad Dadder 2 Piece Cake Pan Set by Fat Daddios best deal. lowest price available for you on Round Topsy Mad at Best prices. Search for best prices.
Product Description
You'll be the hipster of the group when you show up with this whimsical creation! These pans take an ordinary round cake and make it extraordinary. It's sure to be the talk of any occasion! Exclusively manufactured by Fat Daddios, the Mad Dadder pans are made from premium 16 guage anodized aluminum to last a lifetime! The seamless technology ensures even baking and sharp lines and angles that are essential in creating that topsy turvy style. SET OF 2 PANS! Height graduates from 2 1/2" to 4" . Seamless design Perfectly straight sides Hand wash. 8" pan serves 25, 10" pan serves 39. Baking instructions are included!
- 2 piece set
- 8" Pan
- 10" Pan
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