Best offer for Novacart Panettone Basso Mold - M220, 12Pk is now available. This cool Novacart Panettone Mold is now on sale, you may buy it now for only $0.00 and often delivered in a single day.
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Item Description
This Novacart paper baking mold has corrugated side walls and bottoms. This style of construction makes the mold rigid and durable. Most commonly used for coffe cake, yogurt cake, cream cake and even cheesecakes.Novacarts paper baking molds are designed to eliminate metal baking pans. Possessing a rigid freestanding construction, they come in a wide selection of shapes and sizes. Microwave and oven safe up to 390 degrees. Freezer safe as well. The baking molds standard color is a dark brown paper background with an attractive gold floret print overlay.Certified KOF-K Kosher
Strong Feat
Yvonne Pingel
I bought this item for making my traditional rum cakes that I give as gifts at Christmas. Using this item allows me to make two cakes with one recipe and doubles my batches and saves so much time and money.(This is an expensive recipe to make) Our family and neighbors are always looking forward to the holidays because they know they will be receiving one of our rum cakes. This makes the job so simple. I highly recommend them. They come in all shapes and sizes, from round with a hole and loaf size, is what I continue to reorder.VonPing, Tampa, FL
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Tags: Novacart Panettone Mold, Novacart Basso Mold
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