Best offer for Fox Run 6 Cup Mini 3 Tier Cake Pan is now alive. This cool item is now available, you may purchase it now for just $12.99 and often delivered in a day.
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Order Fox Run 6 Cup Mini 3 Tier Cake Pan deal. Top deals is presented for you on Fox Run 6 at Lowest prices. Search for lowest deals.
Item Info
3 Tier Cake Pan by Fox Run. This wonderful, non-stick baking pan lets you bake six 3-tier mini cakes with ease. This cake pan features a sturdy, carbon-steel construction.
- Non-stick bakeware
- Makes 6 individual cakes
- Easy cleaning
Customer Opinions
Elizabeth Sloan
When I ordered these the picture I had seen showed full mini cakes. These are definitely not full mini cakes! They're half flat and half curve...Don't get these if you want ones that stand up on their own and have full figure. :(
Rating: 1 1 reviews
Key: Fox Run Cup, Run 6 Cup, Fox Run 6, Fox 6 Cup
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