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Product Information
9 1/2 X 9 1/2". Takes less than one cake mix. These pans may be used in microwave ovens or in conventional ovens. When using in a conventional oven, always set pans on a shiny Aluminum cookie sheet. Bake at about 325 degrees.
- Inexpensive
- Small enough to fit on top of a 1/2 sheet cake
User Opinions
Village Mom
This is a plastic cake pan. There are few instructions, but the ones that are sent clearly indicate that this pan cannot be returned and that the pan has limited use. I used the pan twice, cleaned gently with soap and water as instructed, and the pan began to crack. I could have purchased a more durable airplane mold for the same amount of money and recommend that others do just that.
when I went to a cake testing with my "soon to be daughter in law",I asked the pastry chef if she could make a "grooms cake" in shape of a airplane for my son to surprise him and his new wife. My son is a pilot and his new wife was incorporating "airplanes" into the wedding theme". The pastry chef got back to me and said,she could not find a "airplane", and that it would probably cost me too much any way. When I found this mold,I couldn't believe it, and I was still kind of "skeptical",seeing it being made of plastic,and that it could go in the oven! Well it proved me wrong! I used it, baked it the oven like any other baking pan and ' IT WORKED ! ",I was so happy ! I feel like I should call the pastry chef and ask if she wants to rent my 'AIRPLANE MOLD " if she were in need of one! And my son was very happy to see his own "personal size cake "!
MB girl
this pan isn't great for a novice cake-maker. I overfilled the pan, which caused a dome on the underside so that when I flipped it over and removed the cake from the pan, the airplane broke in half, the next day the wings fell off. Also, there is a large differential between the depth of the wings and the depth of the body so it didn't cook very evenly. The cake was really cute-- but it looked more like a crash site by the time I served it.
Rating: 3.6 5 reviews
Key: Pantastic Cake Pan, Airplane Cake Pan
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