Get the best deal for Wilton Cupcake Pedestal Set, 4 Piece Set is now available. This cool product is currently on sale, you may buy it right now for only $0.00 and often delivered in 24 hours.
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Order Wilton Cupcake Pedestal Set, 4 Piece Set top item. Deals available for you on Cupcake Pedestal Set, at Discounted prices. Find for best prices.
Product Information
Give your cupcakes a lift and show off your desserts with these fun plastic display pedestals! Easy to assemble, twist the top platform onto the stem base. Cupcake pedestals perfectly display cupcakes, muffins, party favors and more!
Strong Feat
- Easy to assemble
- hand washing recommended
eric melzer
These days, there are so many cupcake holders and trees available. But these stands are different. They have so many uses. You can arrange them in a group to display your latest creations. You can place one at each table setting as a beautiful display piece for dessert or cupcake. There are actually 99 other uses, but I have decided not to reveal them in case I ever write a book titled "101 uses for cupcake pedestals". (Yes, it will also be available for the Kindle).The quality is pretty good but not amazing, but 4 stars is pretty good. Buy these today and start impressing your friends tomorrow!! (if you choose overnight shipping)
L. Downie
While they are plastic,they are strong. You can decorate them with ribbon to match your part or like my picture put a cut out in the base. Just make sure your cut out is big enough to stay by itself as you won't be using ant glue. You can turn them over to serve ice cream as well. Great if you are having people over for a sit down something.
Rating: 4.5 2 reviews
Tags: Wilton Cupcake Set,, Cupcake Pedestal Set,, Wilton Cupcake Pedestal, Wilton Pedestal Set,
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