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Get Chicago Metallic Silicone Pumpkin Cakelet Pan and Stencil best price. Deals is presented for you on Chicago Metallic Silicone at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Description
Chicago Metallic is the preferred choice by bakers who understand quality, design and durability. Chicago metallic never disappoints: non-stick, easy release with every recipe, effortless clean-up and consistency that defines a new meaning to perfection every time. Specialty bakeware. Where design and innovative meet with Chicago Metallic. These pans offer more personality to the kitchen, fully equipping your inner-baker to get more creative. Chicago Metallic Silicone pans are specially engineered to include the standard Chicago Metallic rim. They provide reinforcement and stability unlike traditional silicone bakeware. Now when transporting from countertop to oven, the pans are sturdy and no batter spills out. Chicago Metallic has kept the well-liked points of silicone: flexible cavities to easily "pop-out" the goodies, and the ability to use this pan as a mold in the refrigerator or freezer. This Chicago Metallic silicone pan creates 12 pumpkin shaped desserts and works for brownies, mini cakes, cookies and more. A Jack-O-Lantern stencil is included for quick and easy decorating of this mini shaped cakes. These specially engineered silicone pans come with standard Chicago Metallic metal rims to provides stability and reinforcement in transport. The results are no batter spills and flexible cavities that easily "pop out" the dessert or molds. The pan measures 13-1/2 by 10-1/2 by 1-1/2-inch and has extended handles to ease out of the oven. It is dishwasher safe and has a 25-year warranty.
Strong Feat
- Silicone pan creates 12 pumpkin shaped desserts; works for brownies, mini cakes, cookies and more
- Jack-O-Lantern stencil included for quick and easy decorating
- Specially engineered silicone pans with standard Chicago Metallic metal rims; provides stability and reinforcement in transport
- No batter spills; flexible cavities easily "pop out" the dessert or molds
- Pan measures 13-1/2 by 10-1/2 by 1-1/2-inch; has extended handles; dishwasher safe
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Tags: Chicago Metallic Silicone, Chicago Metallic Pumpkin
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