On sale now for Wilton Cake Pan: Rudy Rudolph Reindeer Christmas Holiday Cake Pan Mold is becoming hot. This awesome Wilton Cake Pan: is currently available, you may buy it now for only $0.00 and usually delivered within a day.
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Get Wilton Cake Pan: Rudy Rudolph Reindeer Christmas Holiday Cake Pan Mold best deal. Best deal is presented for you on Wilton Cake Pan: at Best prices. Search for best deals.
Item Description
The contouring of the pan outlines the form and provides a generous backing to hold the cake. Crafted of quality aluminum, this bakeware heats evenly and keeps interiors moist while allowing surfaces to gently brown. Lightweight yet durable, it also retains its shape and transfers detailing clearly to the food surface. When the party is over, the pan cleans easily so there's less time spent in the kitchen washing up. The pan holds one box of cake mix and comes complete with baking and decorating instructions.
- XL Cake Pan
- Retired Pan - 1988
Magdalen G. Santos
Beautiful! I get many cake orders. :) Everyone loves the classic look. I had never seen this version before. Glad I got it. :)
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Wilton Cake Pan:, Cake Pan: Rudy
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