On sale now for World Cuisine Non-Stick Silicone Mold Mini Cake, Bundt is now available. This best product is currently available, you can purchase it right now for only $0.00 and usually ships within a day.
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Buy World Cuisine Non-Stick Silicone Mold Mini Cake, Bundt top product. Best deal available for you on World Cuisine Non-Stick at Discounted prices. Search for lowest prices.
Product Info
These molds are made of non-stick food grade silicone and are temperature resistant from -40 degrees F. to 500 degrees F. Each multi mold sheet measures 11?” long by 6?” wide. They are reusable up to 3,000 times.
- Non-stick silicone
- Temperature resistant from -40 to 500 degrees F
- Multi mold sheet
- Reusable up to 3,000 times
- Dishwasher safe
User Opinions
A. A. Perryman
I really enjoy this baking mold. The cakes come out beautifully and are a great size for entertaining. I'm extremely happy with the product and would recommend it. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was that it's a little difficult to judge the "perfect" fill line.
Excellent product, but you do have to spray with Pam so your little cakes don't stick. Also be sure to use a cookie sheet under any silicone
William M. Klepper
This is the silicone stuff in so many women's new boobs? Of course NOT!!!My baking has changed. This Bundt Mold lets me make 'sugar-free' pound cake 'donuts'. I know; how awesome is that!!! You still have to spray with a baking spray, an oil and baking powder mixture, to keep them from sticking, but the donuts 'pop' right out.If the recipe calls for baking at 350, use 325 because silicone transfers heat faster and better. Play with it.Using sugar-free yellow cake mix, I made a few cakes I filled with sugar-free pudding and dribbled 'sugar-free' ice-cream chocolate over to give them a hard chocolate covering.I know! How awesome is that!! The possibilities are endless!
Rating: 4.3 3 reviews
Tags: World Cuisine Non-Stick, World Cuisine Silicone, World Non-Stick Silicone, Cuisine Non-Stick Silicone
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