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Buy Mrs. Anderson's Baking Non-Stick Carbon Steel Heart Pan, 9-Inch deal. Deals available for you on Anderson's Baking Non-Stick at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Information
Professional-quality carbon steel base provides even baking. Premium non-stick coating allows quick release of baked goods. Ideal for heart shaped pies, pastry shells, tarts and brownies. easy clean up. PFOA free. Georgette Anderson is one of America's most innovative home bakers whose expertise and creative spirit are at the heart of the Mrs. Anderson bake ware collection. From a perfect pie crust to delicious cookies cut into a variety of beautiful shapes, Mrs. Anderson's bake ware provides you with baking precision, instruction and tasty inspiration. With Mrs. Anderson in your kitchen, you will soon be pulling a tray, pan or tin of buttery goodness from your oven.
- Classic 9-inch heart pan
- Non-stick carbon steel; premium non-stick coating allows quick release of baked goods
- Professional quality; even baking
- Material is PFOA free
- See coordinating Mrs anderson's kitchen baking products
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Key: Mrs. Anderson's Baking, Anderson's Baking Non-Stick, Mrs. Baking Non-Stick, Mrs. Anderson's Non-Stick
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