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Purchase Non-Stick Madeleine Pan, Sheet Muffin Cake Pan deal. lowest price available for you on Madeleine Pan, Sheet at Best prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Description
This commercial graded pan is designed to promote even baking and browning. It also releases the baked goods in perfect shape. 11 wells in the shape of pretty seashells. Commercial grade aluminized steel distributes heat quickly and evenly for consistent and reliable baking results. Each well is riveted onto the main body of the pan for extra durability. Extended edges provide a secure grip, making it easy to transfer the pan to and from the oven. The DuPont P.T.F.E coating is exceptionally scratch resistant and releases goods with ease. Heavy duty, this is the pan you'll reach for over and over again for years to come. Pan measures: 14 inches (Length) x 10.5 inches (Width); 35.56 cm (Length) x 26.67 cm (Width) Each individual well measures: 3 inches (Diameter) X 1.5 inches (Height); 7.62 cm (Diameter) x 3.81 cm (Height)
Strong Feat
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Tags: Non-Stick Pan, Sheet, Madeleine Pan, Sheet, Non-Stick Madeleine Pan,, Non-Stick Madeleine Sheet
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