On sale now for Wilton Mickey Mouse Cookie Treat Pan is trending. This awesome Wilton Mickey Cookie is now on sale, you may purchase it right now for only $0.00 and often ships in 24 hours.
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Order Wilton Mickey Mouse Cookie Treat Pan top item. lowest price available for you on Wilton Mickey Cookie at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.
Product Info
Wilton Disney Mickey Mouse Cookie Treat Pan. Everyone loves fun treats on a stick! Baking and decorating instruction included. This style makes 6 Mickey Mouse Treats at one time! This is also a Discontinued pan.
Factor Benefits
- Mickey Mouse Cookie Treat Pan
- Easy and Fun To Make
- Instructions Included
- 6 Mold
Customer Reviews
Kristen A. Miller
I bought this pan to make treats for my daughter's birthday party. I like the Wilton brand and the product is on par with their quality. I was pleased to find this item since it had been retired about 10 years ago.
Rating: 5 1 reviews
Key: Mickey Mouse Cookie, Wilton Mickey Mouse, Wilton Mickey Cookie, Wilton Mouse Cookie
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