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Get Nordic Ware Microwave 5-Minutes Brown Pan best deal. Deals is presented for you on Nordic Ware Microwave at Best prices. Get for best deals.
Product Info
Didn't think you could bake in the microwave? Now you can! Now you can have brownies baked on demand. This is the perfect size pan to make brownies, cornbread or cake in your microwave. Now you are able to create a luscious treat, ready to eat in 5 minutes. Use your favorite mix or recipe. Keep steam vent on lid closed during baking and open before removing. 11" x 8-1/2" x 3" deep (with lid). 2-piece set includes high heat microwave pan and lid. Nordic Ware, Made in USA, BPA-free, 5 year warranty. Recipe and instructions for use included on packaging.
- Brownies, cornbread or cake in minutes in the microwave
- Moist and delicious brownies in minutes that the kids can do
- Comes with a fitted cover to keep brownies in.
- Recipe for 5 minutes brownies include
- 11" x 8-1/2" x 3" deep (with lid); Dishwasher safe
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Key: Nordic Ware Microwave
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