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Purchase Wilton Mini Teddy Bear Cake Pan 2105-4497 top item. Top deals available for you on Mini Teddy Bear at Best prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Info
Get close-up with your favorite shapes and create all kinds of exciting single-size desserts. Great for cakes, muffins, gelatin and brownies. Crafted of quality aluminum, this bakeware heats evenly and keeps interiors moist while allowing surfaces to gently brown. Lightweight yet durable, it also retains its shape and transfers detailing clearly to the food surface. The pan cleans easily so there's less time spent in the kitchen washing up. One cake mix makes 12-14 mini bears.
- Crafted of quality aluminum
- Realistic detailing is instantly recognizable
- Recipe and decorating instructions included
User Reviews
The pan arrived quickly, but it smelled of cigarette smoke and was slightly bent. We were able to straighten it out and the smell was gone as soon as we washed it.
Rating: 3 1 reviews
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