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Item Info
Another wonderful centerpiece cake! The whimsical stand-up Snowman reminds guests of winters spent playing in the snow! Simply dust with powdered sugar or decorate for the holidays with frosting and candies. The 3 dimensional snowman cake pan is made of original aluminum bakeware that provides finer details and superior baking performance. The heat reflective exteriors allows for uniform browning so as to enhance the unique cake designs. The nonstick interior ensures easy release and cleanup. Proudly made in the USA by Nordic Ware.
- Beautiful winter center piece for any table
- Cast aluminum construction for even browning
- Nonstick material releases cakes easily and cleans quickly
- Hand wash with mild detergent
- Made in the USA
S. Mitchell
I have to disagree with everything previously stated by the first reviewer...except one...This might not be a project for young children.The snowman comes out of the pan perfectly IF YOU PROPERLY GREASE and FLOUR the pan. I will admit it isn't as easy to get the flour around in all the nooks and crannies as it is on regular cake pans but that is a minor point. The cake, anyway mine, came out without a hitch and the pan was clean devoid of any cake clinging to the pan that would be difficult to clean. I will admitt I have had very involved decorative molds that can be pesty but this is NOT ONE OF THEM.I used the cake recipe on the pan. I'm going to use a cake mix, however, in the future that has additions to make the cake more dense than a regular cake mix cake.I have all the stuff to decorate this cute snowman but it is a little early so he will go in the freezer for a week or so.Don't be put off by the other review.
Ann Berry
I bought this mold last year. It is hard to get the belly of the snowman cooked without over cooking the hat. If your cake mix is thick enough you can fill the hat really full and scoop out the middle of the belly and it will help. The finished cake is very delicate if you use a regular yellow cake mix. Perhaps a heavier cake would work better. Trim the part of the cake that is puffed up over the edges of the mold with a knife before assembling. It is cutest when left plain and decorated. Trying to frost it is very hard.
Dirty Red
The whole process of baking and decorating this cake was just short of a complete disaster. Baking is easy enough...But then you have to try to get the snowman out of the pan, without destroying him. Maybe with a great amount of patience, you could swing it. He has to have his two halves put together with royal icing, and then sit for about 24 hours. Decorating was fun, but I'm not sure the entire process was worth it.Clean up was another ordeal. It took 4 washings, each time I used the pan, to get it completely clean. Many, Many nooks and crannies that get missed.If you have the patience, by all means...but don't think this is a nice afternoon craft with the kids!
Rating: 3.3 3 reviews
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