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Buy Wilton Holiday 6-Cavity Silicone Tree Pan top product. Deals available for you on Wilton 6-Cavity Silicone at Discounted prices. Search for lowest deals.
Product Description
Our holiday tree pan is an ideal for gift baskets brownies, dinner rolls, single-size cakes and more! Silicone delivers perfect results with easy release and clean up. Make the season more colorful and exciting with easy festive pans.
Strong Feat
- 6-cavity holiday tree bakeware pan
- Silicone construction for easy release and clean up
- Freezer-, refrigerator-, microwave-, dishwasher- and oven-safe to 500 degrees
- Each cavity measures 2-1/2 inches by 2-1/2 inches by 1-1/4 inches deep
- Pan measures 10-5/8 by 7 inches; limited lifetime warranty
User Opinions
You just can't get a decent tree - tree out of this. No matter what you do, how you coat it, hot or cold, scratch cake or box cake. This pan is HOPELESS!!! I have had this problem with other brands too - silicone cake molds just aren't what they say they are. Whether it's the whole piece, or a corner or part of the front of the tree, something or everything always sticks.
Lou A. Shetler
I love these molds. My daughter wants to do cut out cookies all the time and I discovered these you can drop the Pillsbury dough in and they take shape , she LOVES them.
Rating: 3 2 reviews
Tags: Wilton 6-Cavity Silicone, Wilton Holiday Silicone, Holiday 6-Cavity Silicone, Wilton Holiday 6-Cavity
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