On sale now for Nordic Ware Chocolate Brownie Heart Kit is now available. This cool product is now available, you could purchase it right now for just $24.00 and usually ships in a single day.
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Get Nordic Ware Chocolate Brownie Heart Kit lowest price. Best deal is presented for you on Nordic Ware Chocolate at Lowest prices. Find for lowest prices.
Item Info
Nordic Ware's heart-shaped pan creates a cake with distinctive lines. The finished cake looks terrific even without decoration. Included is Nordic Ware's own brownie mix. Proportioned to fit perfectly in this pan, this is a true chocolate lovers delight. Also terrific for an ice cream and Jell-O mold. Proudly made in the USA by Nordic Ware.
- Produces heart-shaped cakes, brownies, and gelatin molds
- Premium nonstick surface releases cakes quickly and cleans easily
- Cakes feature decorative appearance straight out of the pan
- Includes premium brownie mix from NordicWare
- Proudly made in the USA
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Key: Nordic Ware Brownie, Nordic Ware Chocolate, Ware Chocolate Brownie, Nordic Chocolate Brownie
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